
Spring has sprung!

Since our home is finally "in bloom" (and, as usual, we are discovering just exactly what is planted in our new garden) the pictures of the first signs of spring should be shared. So far a few tulips and lots of green stuff we aren't sure of. The two trees covered in white blossoms are actually quite stinky (reminiscent of dead fish if you catch my drift) which was a rather unsettling discovery. But we see the beginnings of lilies, possibly iris and peonies and a lilac tree that is sure to smell better than the two we have blooming currently. Here's to more fragrant and colorful findings! :)


While I am sharing photos...

So, a few weeks ago we went to check out the Maple Houses in Vermont -- yes, this is where maple syrup and all manner of maple treats are born. There is one open house weekend out here that seems to be the height of maple touring and we figured since we never know how long we will be in one place it is best to take advantage of such opportunities as they present themselves. Luckily, we have a couple of friends, Christy and Clint, who also like to try new things. Perfect!

Off to Merck Forest we go -- about 1 1/2 hours away -- to enjoy a blueberry pancake and homemade sausage breakfast smothered in all the fresh maple syrup you can handle. :) (Admittedly, I am not that much of a maple syrup fan but Merck's sticky sensation was heavenly!) After our scrumptious meal we toured the barns where new baby lambs and piglets awaited. Precious really. And they even hand a handful of small draft horses that were beautiful.

Such a gorgeous day too -- we had just been snowed on the night before and had blue skies all day. Couldn't have been more fun.

Piggies and Lammies -- Oh my!

MIA since Sept. '07!?!

Ridiculous! I say, if you have a blog, use it! Well, it doesn't sound like I am using my own advice these days. To be fair, we moved AGAIN. But that was a while ago. Last time I posted was September -- it is now April!! wow. Quick recap -- in October, while still working for Opportunities Unlimited in Sioux City, Iowa, I began working for AOL as a blogger (coolest job EVER!). The two sites I post for are Green Daily and Luxist and although polar opposite in their scope, they are equally rewarding to work on. Then, we got the news we were moving again -- this time to NY! Sounds cool at least. :) Looked at houses in November, moved our stuff beginning of December, and have been living in Albany since.

Still working for AOL and the rest of my time is devoted to my thesis -- yes, still working on that. :) Although now it is considered to be an enjoyable project. Besides that I am working hard to get in shape and looking forward to a LOT of outdoors time here on the east coast.

There you have it -- returned and hopefully better than ever! :)
