
Pins and needles

Hi ladies,

I hope that everyone is enjoying their summer. I will be in a week and a half. Right now I'm having troubly finding time to breath. Just wanted to let you all know that I went to the acupuncturist tonight. It was interesting, not too bad. I'll let you all know what the results are. Keep me in your thoughts as I try to finish up this summer school session!




Can-Do Connection
Hey Ladies! As the heat rises everyday in rural Texas I am VERY thankful that we invested in a treadmill so I don't have to sweat to death outside or sit on my bum all day inside! My goal last week was to workout 5 days/week with at least 30 minutes of running each time and I not only made that goal but EXCEEDED it! (I know, I am shocked too!) I ran 3 of the 5 days of over 45 minutes each time, lifted weights, did some yoga and played softball twice! :) Things are going well. I haven't seen a lot of physical changes yet but I certainly feel better, sleep better, actually wake-up in the AM and have more productive days which is great!

Ali, I am so glad you sent us a message from the armpit aka Houston... you must be cooking out there considering how hot it is in Giddings! WHEW! Let me know about your visit with the acupuncturist/MD... she sounds awesome. :) I just found out there is an acupuncturist near me in Bastrop (where the coffee shop is) as well as some Jazzercise (man, I sound old!). Hee hee.

Kim, I love hearing about your tennis, rowing classes, and fun-runs in Miami.... its great you have so many activities to get involved in. You sound like you are staying plenty busy.

I do intend to list some new recipes I have been using that are really tasty and healthy very soon so be looking for those. Other than that I guess I need to set another goal for the week.... 5 days/week of running again between 30-45 minutes, weight lifting 4 times/week and NO iced tea!! (Its been so hot I have been indulging myself with iced tea and sugar...not good for my crazy diet!).

OH! I almost forgot! I also joined the Lance Armstrong Foundation Challenge to not only run a 10K but raise lots of money for cancer research, education and survivorship. Nike has paired with the foundation to provide 10 weeks of training to the participants twice a week in Austin in order to reach your goals. I figure I am not too far from being comfortable with a 6 mile run since I am running 3-4 miles now but they are supposed to coach you on form and speed so you can not just do the 6 miles but do them to the best of your ability which I haven't pushed myself on before. Its going to be great. It starts the end of July when I get back from CO. Interestingly, the races are in more than one city... Denver being one of them. I think that race is in late August. The Austin race in early October. If Katy and Diana want to look into the Denver race I think you can look at the LAF website (www.livestrongchallenge.org)... I also have a bunch of extra info I picked up at a meeting to send to you if you want to see it. Let me know!

Have a great week and I will post-recipes later on! :) Keep it up!
~Laura aka Seeking Slenderness


Hello to all from the armpit of Texas, aka Houston! Sorry that it has taken me so long to join the blogging since Laura and I created this fun place. I hope that all of you are doing well. Katy I'm right there with you on the no chips and cookies in the house thing. Sounds like everyone has some good plans started. Kimi let me know how the yoga goes. I've been thinking about going to one of those places too.

My goals are to eat healthy and workout, pretty simple right. The eating healthy thing has been going pretty good considering I haven't been to the grocery store in months, yes Laura I still haven't gone!! I have been eating mostly salads and sandwiched from Central Market and Eatzi's though, which are for the most part healthy. As for working out, I've been moving lots of boxes and other things around for work in the lovely heat and humidity. Thankfully that should be finished for the most part by next week. This will actually allow me the energy to go workout either first thing in the morning or when I get off of work in the evening, I'm still debating on what time to do it. I have also lined up an appointment with an acupuncturist that is also an md, the one that you told me about Laura. I'll let you know how it goes. I hope that everyone has a great weekend, and I can't wait to hear more from all of you!
