

Can-Do Connection
Hey Ladies! As the heat rises everyday in rural Texas I am VERY thankful that we invested in a treadmill so I don't have to sweat to death outside or sit on my bum all day inside! My goal last week was to workout 5 days/week with at least 30 minutes of running each time and I not only made that goal but EXCEEDED it! (I know, I am shocked too!) I ran 3 of the 5 days of over 45 minutes each time, lifted weights, did some yoga and played softball twice! :) Things are going well. I haven't seen a lot of physical changes yet but I certainly feel better, sleep better, actually wake-up in the AM and have more productive days which is great!

Ali, I am so glad you sent us a message from the armpit aka Houston... you must be cooking out there considering how hot it is in Giddings! WHEW! Let me know about your visit with the acupuncturist/MD... she sounds awesome. :) I just found out there is an acupuncturist near me in Bastrop (where the coffee shop is) as well as some Jazzercise (man, I sound old!). Hee hee.

Kim, I love hearing about your tennis, rowing classes, and fun-runs in Miami.... its great you have so many activities to get involved in. You sound like you are staying plenty busy.

I do intend to list some new recipes I have been using that are really tasty and healthy very soon so be looking for those. Other than that I guess I need to set another goal for the week.... 5 days/week of running again between 30-45 minutes, weight lifting 4 times/week and NO iced tea!! (Its been so hot I have been indulging myself with iced tea and sugar...not good for my crazy diet!).

OH! I almost forgot! I also joined the Lance Armstrong Foundation Challenge to not only run a 10K but raise lots of money for cancer research, education and survivorship. Nike has paired with the foundation to provide 10 weeks of training to the participants twice a week in Austin in order to reach your goals. I figure I am not too far from being comfortable with a 6 mile run since I am running 3-4 miles now but they are supposed to coach you on form and speed so you can not just do the 6 miles but do them to the best of your ability which I haven't pushed myself on before. Its going to be great. It starts the end of July when I get back from CO. Interestingly, the races are in more than one city... Denver being one of them. I think that race is in late August. The Austin race in early October. If Katy and Diana want to look into the Denver race I think you can look at the LAF website (www.livestrongchallenge.org)... I also have a bunch of extra info I picked up at a meeting to send to you if you want to see it. Let me know!

Have a great week and I will post-recipes later on! :) Keep it up!
~Laura aka Seeking Slenderness

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