
Hello to all from the armpit of Texas, aka Houston! Sorry that it has taken me so long to join the blogging since Laura and I created this fun place. I hope that all of you are doing well. Katy I'm right there with you on the no chips and cookies in the house thing. Sounds like everyone has some good plans started. Kimi let me know how the yoga goes. I've been thinking about going to one of those places too.

My goals are to eat healthy and workout, pretty simple right. The eating healthy thing has been going pretty good considering I haven't been to the grocery store in months, yes Laura I still haven't gone!! I have been eating mostly salads and sandwiched from Central Market and Eatzi's though, which are for the most part healthy. As for working out, I've been moving lots of boxes and other things around for work in the lovely heat and humidity. Thankfully that should be finished for the most part by next week. This will actually allow me the energy to go workout either first thing in the morning or when I get off of work in the evening, I'm still debating on what time to do it. I have also lined up an appointment with an acupuncturist that is also an md, the one that you told me about Laura. I'll let you know how it goes. I hope that everyone has a great weekend, and I can't wait to hear more from all of you!


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