
Laughing Your Way to Health & Happiness

Laughing out loud has to be some of the best medicine for most problems. Think about it... how mad, or sad, or bad can you feel when you have a great, big, belly laugh that makes your sides hurt! Well, in case you don't have any inspiration close by check out this kid's laugh... you won't be able to contain yourself! [Click on the title to this entry... once you reach the Cardio Blog with Rigel's articles then scroll down to "Laugh Away Heart Disease" and click on the video] Keep on hand for rough days, visits from your in-laws, PMS, and an easy abs workout. Gotta love YouTube! (This blog was made possible by: TheCardioBlog site and Rigel Gregg... thanks!)

FYI- Katy & Kim... the little guy sounds like Dad's "Wylie Coyote" laugh... hilarious!


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